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Home cooked food ordering app

maaish packaging.jpg

Busy professionals, students and family lives makes cooking at home difficult. Health and routine is impacted by eating out everyday.

Maaish is a mobile based app for ordering food online to provide fresh and healthy food ot its customers. It connects consumers to various independent private and home chefs. This aims to cater to busy professionals who hardly get time to cook but need fresh food repeatedly.

I was responsible for mobile app design, branding and logo design. Handling end-to-end design processes from user research, user journey mapping, information architecture, UI design, prototyping, and user testing.



My role

User research and discovery

To begin with, I researched with few similar apps and their pros and cons. I got involved with various stakeholder interviews and surveys and focussed on gathering key information on design strategy and align visison of product with business goals.

The goal of the research is to –

1.Learn about the users who order food online, their behaviours, needs and wants, and painpoints

2.Identify the touchpoints and interactions to improve the current exisiting experiences.

Research methods –

Secondary research

1.Menu selection process

2.Food ordering  end-to-end process


Primary research –


Based on user research, I created user personas for different user groups for the app , and continued with their journey maps to help understand their tasks to reach end result on the app.

I organized the data to summarize the pain points and insights from user research. 
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Time to order

Manual entry

Repeat order 

Food search

"Hard to find the food item in the menu"
"Cannot go to restaurant everytime"
"Enter each detail everytime is long process"
"Want to quickly repeat the same"


- Provide filter and search food option to narrow down search
- Repeat order and recent searches option
- Save and autofill the information
- Easy to navigate food items
I continued with stakeholders sessions to proritize the insights and determine he user flow to come up with information architecture of the app. I did paper wireframing followied by low fidelity digital wireframe. 
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Then came the part to decide on the look and feel of the app. I created the visual identity in consistency with brand guidelines and aligning with company's vision for the product.
Also, a main part was to consider accessibility and making sure the design is inclusive of all users. I made sure the design meets the WCAG accessibility criterias. 
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We conducted usability study for low fidelity prototype, and the findings were implemented to high fidelity design.
Finally, I created the high fidelity design and shared it with the set of users to incorporate the final feedback.
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Usability study : Feedback 1 - Recent searches and repeat orders should be easy to locate
is the link to final prototype
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